This is Kim Kardashian’s car : a black Bentley Continental GTC w/ 22″ black agetro rims with a red pinstripe.
This car was cuztomized by Platinum Motorsport, and like almost everything they do…..its awesome!
The red “B” center caps were a great touch! rating –> 9.5/10
Kim Kardashian's Bentley,
hooker has a nice car
I like it!
wish there was a rear shot of her—-i mean the car
Very Impressive car, the nicest rim and tire combination, I’ve seen in a while.
Doesn’t matter how much money you have sometimes. Trash is trash.
agreed she is a hooker deserves to be hung to be honest…nice car tho but she is the biggest wh0re in the history of the planet according to me
why is she a hooker? cuz she’s dating reggie bush? give me a break. theres nothing cool about being a hater, so chill out.
DAMMMMM that is all
Why are you guys hatinq ! watever you guys just need to calm down kuhh kim has a fukinq good ass car && a nice body (;
its pretty cool.
i like the car, hate the skank
this isnt kims cars its platinum motorsports car..for anyone that lives in la they no this bcus ull see this car bein driven around all the time by a million different ppl which i assume are employees
wooooooooooooow nowonder khloe n kourt were hatin that tym
she pretends to b a six minutes bitch bt actually she is a 24 hour whore
Tasteless junk. Damn hip-hop influence has ruined the car industry. It should be illegal to put different rims on a Bentley or Rolls-Royce. Not only does it ruin the ride, it makes you look like a complete asshat. If you don’t believe me, look at Kim, Queen Asshat.
It takes a lot of money to look that cheap.