Posts Tagged ‘Paint’


David Beckham Camaro

David Beckham Camaro

david beckham camaro

This is David Beckham’s 2010 Camaro customized by Platinum Motorsports in Los Angeles. Looks like Beckham is really trying to fit into the United States with this American muscle car.

The car has a matte gray finish on it – hard to tell from the pictures wether it is a flat gray paint job or a flat gray vinyl wrap. With a flat gray finish like this, the best option for wheels is always matte black. Beckham went with the Agetro V500 wheels in an all matte black finish. The only other modifications I see is a blacked out grille and tinted windows.

The car looks good, very tastefully done and mean. I would have loved to see Beckham do a wide body conversion on his Camaro, that would have been insane! rating -> 8.5/10

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Rating: 8.2/10 (483 votes cast)

Rob Dyrdek Car – Flat White Tahoe

Rob Dydrek Flat White Tahoe

Here is Rob Dyrdek’s car – a flat white Tahoe customized by Platinum Motorsport. The rims are 26″ MHT LLC 6. Flat white is one of the coolest things you can do to a car. It looks amazing in person. I like the facts that the 26″ MHT wheels are flat black and give a strong contrast with the rest of the car. The wheels are a nice and simple 6 spoke design. The rear wheel seems to have a decent lip.

Suprisingly 26’s dont look too big on this Tahoe. Nice wheel, nice paint job, and nice fitment. rating -> 7.5/10

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Rating: 8.1/10 (606 votes cast)