Jersey Shore star Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino just picked up a new car and had it customized by Will Castro and the team at Unique Autosports. The car is an older model Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder with 20″ color matched Savini wheels. The wheels are wrapped in skinny 25 series Nitto tires.
I really tried to hold myself back from hating on the car just because I dont like the owner, but I happen to not like the car at all. This car would have been on point about 5 years ago. It looks like somebody customized this car 5 years ago and now sold it to Mike. The wheel design along with everything else on the car is very old and dated. I am a fan of Savini but I am not feeling this wheel design at all especially on a lambo.
With exotic cars, the trend is two tone and concave. I am sure Mike got the wheels for free anyways so beggars cant be choosers. rating -> 3.5/10
Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino's Car | Lamborghini Gallardo,
Wait a minute, didn’t he get a red ferrari a few months ago?? How much is that guy making!!?