Here is Tommy Hilfiger’s son Rich in his all flat black Range Rover on 24″ flat black Agetro rims. This is a really difficult job and I dont know too many other places besides Platinum Motorsport that could have pulled this off so well.
I like the design of the rims a lot for this Range Rover HSE. If your going to go flat black, might as well go all out like Hilfiger did here. I can’t tell if its flat black paint or a flat black tint, but either way it looks great. rating -> 8.5/10
Rich Hilfiger's Flat Black Range Rover,
I have to disagree with this shit. You can’t fuck up a Range Rover any worse than this. It looks like it’s waiting for paint, and unfinished. And I don’t know what the deal is with the black rims, I think they suck it hard. The only dudes who pull off that look are cops. The whole set-up looks hood. For my money that would be mindless to drive around in vehicle like that. It’s Mad Max style, from the 80’s.
I have to agree with Chuck… it looks awful.
looks amazinglooks amazing looks amazing looks amazing looks amazing looks amazing looks amazing looks amazing looks amazing
thats not a Range Rover Sport- Its the HSE Supercharged model
your right, i fixed it…thank you!
Fuck you chuck u dont know shit this is the hottest rover ive seen in a while while hes driving around in this dirty whip your prolly pushing a 1994 camry
i love this car, im going to get a range rover hse and paint it like that 🙂 its my dream car<3
Chuck u have a small penis. go big or go home
I dislike this so much. I do not like the flat black on any car. Either all black or all white. no flat black, it looks like an ugly gray
I get the flat black thing on sports cars, saw it on a 911GT2 and it was alright, not my style but cool nonetheless.
That said, you simply don’t do that to a Range Rover!!
There are some vehicles that simply look best in their original factory form. Most British luxury marques fall into this category. Rolls Royce, Jaguar and of course Range Rover. The Bently Continental GT is a true sports car so it lends itself well to performance mods….but Please, not a Range!!..
.I’d be embarrassed to drive around in that thing
I Don’t really like this. The flat black look is kinda dry n wacky to me . Looks like an unfinished paint job. Pls dont do that to such a wonderful, beautiful luxury like my favorite SUV, Range Rover HSE.